Lone Oak Community Civic League Meeting Minutes

January 2, 2025

  1. The regular monthly meeting of the Lone Oak Community Civic League (LOCCL) was held on January 2, 2025, at the Lone Oak Community Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:32pm eastern by President Tommy Johnson. The invocation was given by Wayne Clemons; Tommy Johnson led the Pledge of Allegiance. Tommy announced minutes from the 11/7/24 community meeting had been approved by the board and were available online.

  2. Treasurer’s Report – Mona provided the report. We are currently $5000 to the good due in part to returning some materials bought for the pavilion. R&B sales for the year brought in $25400. Bingo brought in $11253, and the 127 yard sale brought in $19478. Overall, we are in good shape. A motion to accept the treasurer’s report was made by Bob Tucker and seconded by Mark Kirkpatrick.

Tommy Johnson stated there was no meeting in December. The annual Christmas tree lighting was held on 12/7/24. It was a great evening of music, food and fellowship. Many thanks to all the volunteers. A huge thank you to Marvin Johnson, Bob Tucker, Andrew Johnson and David Adams for their work/construction on the new Christmas tree pole and concrete pad. During the other 11 months, the pole will serve as a flag pole. Thanks to David Adams, Tom Benson and Senator Gardenhire’s office for the new flags (an American flag and a Tennessee flag) that are coming soon! Lighting for the flagpole and flags will be installed once the weather is warmer. Tommy said a special thank you for everyone’s efforts in 2024. It was a good year and a lot of neat things happened!

  1. Reports

    1. Fire Department – Fire Chief Eric Mitchell gave the report. It’s been a great start for the year. As of right now, the fire department has 21 members, which is outstanding. The department has 8 EMR/EMT/Paramedics. Of the 21 members, 6 are actual state certified fire fighters. Several have also taken 16 hours of training. In 2024, the department ended up with 78 calls. This will change for 2025 because there was a big period of time in 2024 when there were no EMS calls being answered. Things are definitely trending up for the department. Two grants have been applied for, one from the State Fire Marshall’s office and one is a federal grant. There will be another grant application coming up for training and safety. If anyone knows of folks that are interested in joining the fire department, send them our way. The new fire department sign is up and running out by the highway. In Decemeber, we had our annual Christmas food and toy drive. A total of 53 families and 60 children were touched. A huge thank you goes out to all the department members and volunteers for their help! A special thank you to Rob and Kathy McMahon for their organization and hard work towards this event.

    2. Clinic – No report

    3. Quilters – No report

    4. Library – No report.

    5. Building Maintenance – No report

    6. School Board – Debbie Adams gave the report. County schools reopen 1/6/2025. School board working session will be on 1/7/2025 with the regular meeting scheduled for 1/13/2025. Several bills are coming up at the state level that the board is watching. It will soon be time to apply for the backpack grant. The director of schools will be at our February community meeting.

    7. 8th District Constable – No report

    8. Sequatchie County Sheriff – No report

    9. County Commission – Wayne Clemmons stated the next commission meeting will be on 1/27/2025. Tommy Johnson stated there will be a lot of activity going on in January, tax dollars will start rolling in, mortgage companies will began paying property taxes from escrow. The new stickers for the sanitation program is getting started. Along with this will be camera systems for the compactor sites. Requests for proposals will be going out.

  2. Upcoming events

    1. Bingo – 1/18/2025 sponsorships and donations needed

    2. Trivia night – TBD

    3. Line dancing – TBD

    4. County Commission meeting – 1/27/2025

    5. Next community meeting – 2/6/25 – Director of Schools Sarai Pierce will be speaking.

    6. The 127 yard sale is 214 days away, coming at us quickly

  3. New Business

    1. Pavilion update – Restrooms are complete. Grass is growing. Refrigerator and freezer are installed. The cabinets are almost complete. Tables and chairs are stored. Thanks to all the volunteers in October, November and December.

  4. Meeting was adjourned at 8:17pm eastern.

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