Lone Oak Community Civic League Meeting Minutes
October 3, 2024
- The regular monthly meeting of the Lone Oak Community Civic League (LOCCL) was held on October 3, 2024, at the Lone Oak Community Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:35pm eastern by President Tommy Johnson. The invocation was given by Andrew Johnson; Tommy Johnson led the Pledge of Allegiance. Tommy announced minutes from the 9/5/24 community meeting had been approved by the board and were available online.
- Treasurer’s Report – Mona provided the report. An additional $30000 was donated by the Frost family for the pavilion, bringing the total contribution to $110000. Cruise-in brought in $1776 net, and $2300 from R&B sales. For the year, we are up $22300 from Bingo, R&B, 127 sale and other events. Overall, we are in good shape. A motion to accept the treasurer’s report was made by Ruth Blough and seconded by Garth Beany.
Tommy stated that the Frost Family Foundation has been such a blessing to our community center. Up to this point, they have donated a total of $110000 towards the pavilion. We are all so very thankful!
- Reports
- Fire Department – Tommy gave an opening statement: “Things have changed a lot in the last 72 hours with regards to the fire department. The fire department has transitioned hands and in a positive way. This was due to the dedicated effort of a lot of people that got behind it and supported it in the right way. There’s been a lot of work to get done to get our fire department on the road to recovery. And we firmly believe that it is. Effective this past Tuesday afternoon about 3:00pm, the fire department was turned over to the Lone Oak Community Center board of directors. Through that transition the Lone Oak Community Center board of directors met immediately that same evening and set a new set of bylaws and appointed a new interim Fire Chief, Mr. Gregg Hall.” As of Tuesday evening, the fire department had 14 people sign up to join the fire department. Chief Gregg Hall took over the update. He first thanked everyone that is with him now in the fire department team! “It’s our team, it’s our fire department and we have some good people,” he said. The department is moving forward. It currently has three certified EMRs that are ready to roll. He has also received an application for a certified fire fighter. Chief Gregg stated that everyone was asking what they could do to help, what all needed to be done. He stated that the department was moving forward with the help of everyone. Mr. Bob Tucker has been in contact with Puckett Ambulance Service, and we hope to have our EMR program up and running within the next three weeks. We are currently working to get the IAR system up and running. Until then we will use cell phones and radios to communicate. When asked what the fire department would do if they received a call tonight, chief Gregg stated, “we will run”. There will be a new board of directors set for the fire department very soon. It will be voted on and set by the fire department members.
- Clinic – Sonia gave the update. The clinic hours have changed to 9:00am-11:00am on Thursdays. Many thanks to Rob and Kathy McMahan for the purchase of a new clinic sign. The clinic is currently working with Project Access, expanding into Sequatchie County. So far, 4 people have been referred to specialists, with 3 of the 4 accepted.
- Quilters – Byron reported the quilters are working on a raffle quilt. The quilters are doing good
- Library – No report, however Ruth Blough stated she had given plans for the blessing box to Garth Beany.
- Building Maintenance – No report
- School Board – Debbie Adams stated the next school board meeting will be October 14th, due to fall break. This meeting will be a joint government meeting with county commission and the city commission. The school board is struggling to find school bus drivers. Because of this they’ve had to rearrange bus schedules for the past two weeks. If you know anyone interested in being a bus driver even if they do not have the licensure, the board will probably pay to get it. The pay is also pretty good. This is homecoming week and there will be a parade through Dunlap in the morning. So, please come out and support them. Educator of the week is Teresa Fann from Griffith elementary. The board has also hired an athletic trainer with 30 years experience. It will be great to have him on the sidelines for our student athletes as we have had a lot of injuries. We are excited to have him on board. Debbie also thanked the Sheriff’s Department for their partnership over the past month dealing with some potential School threats that were received.
- County Commission –Tommy Johnson reported – during the September meeting Keith Cartwright was elected Chairman. The new plan for sanitation for all sites in the county was presented. A small decal will be issued at tag renewal. This will validate that you are a Sequatchie County citizen and can use the sanitation stations. This will begin with District 1 and District 8 and will then go countywide. The sanitation committee liked it. The county court clerk liked it. It will be voted on in the November meeting. Moving forward, they will also be looking at upgrading all sanitation equipment.
- 8th District Constable – Tim Lewis reported – 32 calls in September. Tim stated there is an issue with STOP sign theft in the community. The signs have been stolen from Hall Road, Horseshoe Road, and Hall Cemetery Road. We need the community to be watchful. If you see something, call 911.
- Sequatchie County Sheriff – Sheriff Bill Phillips reported. A big inspection is coming on October the 17th. It will be to renew our Tier 1 accreditation that we’ve had since the inaugural year when they did it two years ago. This accreditation will help us receive more money per inmate, approximately $50,000 more coming in. No juvenile facility in the county continues to be a hindrance for the sheriff’s department. There was a constable arrested this week in another district within the county. The Sheriff’s Office processed what they had to in order to secure evidence then turned everything over to the District Attorney general to call in the TBI to investigate. There were some school threats, and several kids were taken to jail. These threats were made via text messages and were taken very seriously. The governor has started a Homeland Security statewide program to place a Homeland Security officer in every county in the state. This is paid for by the state. This officer will stay with any child for six months after they are charged. Sequatchie county has their Homeland Security officer on staff now. The homecoming parade we’ll start at 9:30 central time tomorrow morning.
- Upcoming events
- Community trick or treat at the haunted pavilion – October 26th at 5:00 PM eastern
- Christmas tree lighting – December 7th
- Trivia night – TBD
- Line dancing – TBD
- Fire department – free pancake breakfast with meet and greet the fire department members, November 9th
- Bingo – January, February and March – sponsorships and donations needed,
- Meeting was adjourned at 8:35pm eastern.