2022 marks another Sequatchie County General Election year for our County Government’s elected offices; this year a substantial change to the General County Election process is taking place. The change is that, for the first time in many years, there will be a Sequatchie County Republican Primary on May 3.
Why this change? Ordinarily, the Chairman of the local Sequatchie County Republican Party would submit a letter to the State Election Commission Office stating that Sequatchie County wished to not hold a primary race for County General Elections. This year however, due to there being a vacancy in that position, the State of Tennessee Election Commissioner was required to determine that Sequatchie County would be required to hold a Republican Primary Election.
Previously, since there were no Primary Elections in Sequatchie County, all Candidates declared as Independent Candidates. This year, because there is going to be a Republican Primary Election on May 3, all candidates are required to declare as either a Republican or an Independent.
So, what does this mean for Sequatchie County residents? Because some local Sequatchie County Candidates declared as Republican Party Candidates, several local Elected Offices will, in fact, be decided at the May 3rd Primary Election.
In addition to some State and Regional elections, these are the local Sequatchie County Elected Offices that will be on the ballot this year:
• County Executive
• County Trustee
• County Clerk
• Circuit Court Clerk
• Sherriff
• County Commissioners (2 for each District)
• Constables
• School Board Representatives (Districts 2, 4, 6, 7, and 8.
All Candidates for the offices of County Executive, Sherriff, and County Trustee declared as Republicans, so the winner of the May 3 Republican Primary Election will be the only Candidate listed on the General Election Ballot on August 4. (Unless there is a write-in Candidate).
In the case of the County Commissioner election (2 seats per each District):
If there are 2 or less Candidates on the Republican Primary Ballot and each gets at least 1 vote, then both Candidates will move on to the General Election on August 4.
If there are more than 2 Candidates on the Republican Primary Ballot, only the 2 who receive the most votes will move on to the August 4 General election where they will face any Independent Candidates.
It is very important that we exercise our “Right to Vote”.