LOCCL Meeting Minutes (September 2024)

Lone Oak Community Civic League Meeting Minutes

September 5, 2024

    1. The regular monthly meeting of the Lone Oak Community Civic League (LOCCL) was held on September 5, 2024, at the Lone Oak Community Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:32pm eastern by President Tommy Johnson. The invocation was given by Garth Beany; Tommy Johnson led the Pledge of Allegiance. Tommy announced minutes from the 7/11/24 community meeting had been approved by the board and were available online.
    2. Treasurer’s Report – Mona provided the report. The community center made approximately $20000 net from the 127 yard sale, approximately $2400 came from R&B sales. The Clinic realized some interest from their CDs. We have received $750 in gift donations in memory of Mrs. Tommye Byington. Overall, we are in good shape. A motion to accept the treasurer’s report was made by Garth Beany and seconded by Myrna Warren.

    Tommy took a moment to thank all the volunteers that came out to help with the 127 yard sale. It was tremendous! Thank you so much to everyone!! Looking forward to eleven months from now to the 2025 127 yard sale!!

    1. Reports
      1. Fire Department – Rob McMahan provided the report. He gave reminders for the time change coming up on November 3rd and the importance of changing smoke detector batteries. The red rescue truck is currently for sale, asking price is $15000. Proceeds from the sale of the truck will be used to fix up the white squad pickup truck. The new fire department sign has been installed out by 127. This was made possible by a FEMA grant. The only requirement is that 70% of time the sign must be used to advertise fire department training, recruiting, and other related events. There will be a food box giveaway on September 21st at 8:00am eastern.
      2. Clinic – Mrs. Kathy McMahon provided the update. Project Access will be onsite on September 12th. They will work with folks to get them referrals to specialists in Chattanooga. The Thursday hours for the clinic are changing to 9:00am-11:00am. The clinic also received a donation from a dental clinic patient. There is also a recommendation going around that folks should get their flu shots now due to the flu type A that is going around.
      3. Quilters – no report
      4. Library – no report
      5. Building Maintenance – New doors were received for the new red building and were installed on August 26th. We are very grateful for the donors who stepped up and helped us purchased these doors! Tommy also thanked those who volunteered their time to work on this building, the “Lone Oak Mart”.
      6. School Board – David Adams gave the update on behalf of Debbie Adams – New board members were sworn in on September 3rd. New officers were also elected, Chairman Sam Hudson, Vice Chair Greg Johnson and Debbie Adams Legislative liaison. The Sequatchie Youth Soccer Association attended the September 3rd meeting to request permission to install gates to protect the soccer fields. The next school board meeting will be October 14th, which will be a joint government meeting with county commission and the city commission. The giveaway was held on 7/16/24, 5:30p-7:00p eastern. Backpacks for next year have already been donated thanks to Walmart and SETHRA.
      7. County Commission –Tommy Johnson reported – They are preparing for the September 16th meeting. Mostly some housekeeping items will be discussed, including Sanitation. The county will be implementing a sticker/decal program for trash disposal at the sanitation centers. The stickers will be distributed upon tag renewal. You will get a sticker for each vehicle for which you renew the tags. If you do not have this sticker, you will not be allowed to dump your trash. This will begin with District 1 and District 8 and will then go countywide. This plan will be presented to the Sanitation committee and then to the county commission. It is expected to pass. The enforcement of this program will be dependent on the site operators. They will also work with deputies and constables who can be onsite, especially on Saturdays.
      8. 8th District Constable – Tim Lewis reported – 41 calls in July and 34 calls in August.
      9. Sequatchie County Sheriff – Scared Straight spoke to both high school and middle school students. This was very effective with the kids. Gator the K9 is the car and working now. The new SRO vehicles are out and they are a huge hit with paint and decals, honoring the Native American Heritage. Ten inmates are working on their GEDs.

    Andrew Johnson gave a quick update on the Heritage Farm Program in the county. There are eight family farms so far that have been recognized as 100-year farms. There are approximately 40 more farms that are very close.

    Missy Crutchfield was in attendance and spoke briefly about running for state senate.

    1. Upcoming events
      1. Sequatchie County Commission meeting – 9/16/24, 7:30p eastern
      2. Lone Oak Cruise-In – September 21st, 12-4:00pm eastern
      3. Lone Oak Community Homecoming at the Pavilion – coming in the next couple of months.
      4. Trivia night – TBD
      5. Line dancing – TBD
    2. Community center Trunk or Treat – 10/26/24
    3. Christmas Tree Lighting – 12/7/24
    4. Meeting was adjourned at 8:45pm eastern.


One Response

  1. locc_ilpgl1 says:

    Testing the comment on the meeting minutes page. This is only a test.

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